• Is abortion safe?

     First trimester abortions are among the most commonly performed out-patient surgeries in this country. The vacuum aspiration procedure, which we use here, is very safe and serious complications are rare.


    Are there real doctors at the clinic?

     Yes, our doctors have been performing abortions for a number of years; all of them licensed physicians.


    I heard that there's a waiting period. What does that mean?

    In Indiana, we are required to give you state-ordered information a minimum of 18 hours before you have your procedure done. The waiting period is that 18-hour time between getting the information and having the abortion. When you make your appointment we will arrange for you to get that information at least 18 hours before you come to the clinic. Then, when you come in, you must sign a form indicating that you have received the information.


    How will I feel afterwards?

     This varies from one woman to another. You are likely to have some cramping and bleeding over the two weeks or so following your surgery. You can take any non-aspirin pain reliever for the cramping; we find that Aleve seems to work best for most women. Using a heating pad can also help your cramping. The bleeding may be anything between light spotting and a heavy menstrual-type flow, and you may pass clots as well.


    How will I feel emotionally?

     This also varies. A lot depends on how you feel about the pregnancy to begin with, and what has brought you to the decision to terminate it. It's important to have support as well, and if you need someone to talk to we're glad to be available for you and you can make an appointment to come in for counseling if you want to discuss your options.


    How does Mifeprex work?

    Mifeprex is designed to induce the vaginal bleeding and uterine cramping necessary to produce an abortion. It works by blocking a hormone needed for your pregnancy to continue. That means that the lining of your uterus begins to release after you have taken the pill. Then, at home 48 hours later, you will insert another type of medication deep into your vagina to help expel the pregnancy.


    How effective is Mifeprex?

     Mifeprex followed by the vaginal insertions is approximately 92-95% effective.


    How can I get Mifeprex?

    You can get Mifeprex only through a clinic or certain doctors' offices. Because it can be used only during the early stages of pregnancy, you must come in for your appointment before you are 63 days from the day your last period began.


    What are the advantages of Mifeprex?

    Because Mifeprex comes in pill form and is taken by mouth, you can usually avoid -- surgery. Also, because it works very early in your pregnancy, Mifeprex allows you to take early action to end your pregnancy.


    What are the side effects of Mifeprex?

    Bleeding and cramping are a normal part of the process. The bleeding can be heavier than a normal period and usually lasts from 9-16 days. In some cases, women may have severe bleeding and then would need to contact us or their doctor immediately. We will tell you how to handle any pain, nausea, headache, vomiting, or diarrhea that could also occur.


    How safe is Mifeprex?

    Mifeprex has been approved by the FDA which has tested it for both safety and effectiveness. In the past decade, more than half a million women in Europe have safely used Mifeprex to end their pregnancies. It is now used in more than eighteen countries.


    Who should not take Mifeprex?

    Some women should not take Mifeprex. You should not use it if your last menstrual period was more than 63 days ago. Mifeprex also cannot safely be used if you have a tubal pregnancy you have an IUD still in place (it must first be removed) you have problems with your adrenal glands you have been treated with certain steroid medications over a long period of time you have bleeding problems or are taking blood thinning medications you have had a reaction to mifepristone, misoprostol or similar drugs. If you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day, please tell us.


    What qualifications must a doctor have to obtain Mifeprex?

    The doctor must be able to date early pregnancies accurately and to diagnose tubal pregnancies. They must also be able to provide you with any surgery that you might need as a result of taking Mifeprex. Doctors must ensure that you have access to emergency care, they must give you the Medication Guide, and they must report any problems you have to the manufacturer.


    What is the Medication Guide and why did the FDA develop it?

    The FDA determined that a Medication Guide was necessary for you to be able to use Mifeprex effectively and safely. It is important that you be fully informed about how the medication works and its risks, as well as the need for a follow-up. It is only with your coming to the follow-up visit that we will know if the Mifeprix works.


    Will Mifeprex prevent me from getting pregnant in the future?

    No, it will not. In fact, you can become pregnant immediately after your pregnancy ends. If you do not wish to become pregnant, you must start using an effective method of birth control. We can help you to select a method that will suit you.


    Are there protesters at the clinic?

    Yes, there are usually some protesters outside. They are not allowed on the property which means that they must stay on the sidewalk outside of our parking lot. They may not touch you or your vehicle and they are not allowed into the parking lot. They want you to stop and talk with them and read the literature they hand out, but you are under no obligation to acknowledge them if you don't want to.


    Do I have to go there with a group of other patients?

    Our regular appointments require you to be here with a number of other patients. You will all fill out paperwork and have lab work completed as a group before you have counseling to explain how the procedure is done and how to take care of yourself afterwards. Then, each of you will have counseling individually before you see the doctor. 


    When will I have my period again?

    We can offer birth control pills and the patch to most patients, and if you start taking them after your surgery, you should have your first period 4 weeks later. If you do not start on birth control pills or the patch, it may take 6-8 weeks or possibly a little longer before you will have a period again.




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